South Puget Sound Community College Earns Prestigious Designation
Congratulations SPSCC for becoming the tenth institution in Washington state to earn the NCAE-C designation!
The National Security Agency (NSA) awards colleges and universities the NCAE-C designation after they complete a rigorous application process that demonstrates a commitment to cybersecurity education, a high-quality cybersecurity program, and involvement in the local and national cybersecurity community. Institutions with the CAE designation are eligible to apply for certain NSA grants and professional development opportunities. There are also events for their students who are seeking employment and opportunities for scholarships.
Find out how your institution can earn the CAE designation.
The CCoE will be hosting a CAE workshop for institutions seeking the designation in the winter quarter of 2024. Representatives from the CAE National Candidate Center (CCNC) will be leading the presentation. Please let us know if you are interested in attending by completing a short survey.
NCAE-C designated institutions in Washington state
- City University of Seattle
- Columbia Basin College
- Eastern Washington University
- Green River College
- Highline College
- South Puget Sound Community College
- Spokane Falls Community College
- University of Washington
- Western Washington University
- Whatcom Community College
Additional Resources
- Find out more about SPSCC's program by visiting the Center for Cybersecurity | SPSCC.
- Learn more about the N-CAE designation National Centers of Academic Excellence (